Flexing Her Business Muscles at Ashland Yoga Center

“I’m a Yoga Teacher first and studio owner by coincidence,” says Natalie Stawsky. Owning AshlandYoga Center “just happened” for her.

“I was living across from the hot yoga studio, and the owner asked me if I wanted to take it over, that was around 2015. Two years later, it happened again when the owners of Ashland Yoga Center were ready to let their studio go. That is how I ended up with Ashland Yoga Center in 2017.” Natalie has been expanding classes and workshops at the Center ever since then. She did ultimately chose to give up the Hot Yoga studio.

“I made a promise to myself that if I was not able to teach with the same level of passion or not be able to travel, I would make changes. I decided to let go of the hot yoga studio in 2018.”

Natalie is a Yoga Therapist trained at Loyola University who has been working with people recovering from trauma, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, auto-immune disorders, and chronic pain for over 22 years. She is currently assisting those with opiate addiction through her practice.

Unlike a physical therapist that specifically addresses an injury like a shoulder girdle issue, as a Yoga Therapist, she works with individuals and small groups on their lifestyle choices, emotional state, everyday functional movement in a holistic approach that compliments what they might receive in physical therapy.

“Yoga is not a cookie-cutter template to wellness. There are so many types of modalities and different teachers.” In fact, classes and workshops at the Ashland Yoga Center include Bollywood dance, Booty Yoga, Reiki, Women’s circles, sound healing, and even a group based on the work of Joe Dispenza. What excites Natalie is: “to connect with teachers to see where they are shining the most and creating classes and workshops to help them do this.”

The Center is always changing and adapting, but not without personal challenges for Natalie like how to make everyone happy, listen to all the advice she receives about running her business and adapting her direct communication style. Luckily, Vanessa Scott (one of the former owners) is still teaching at the facility along with many others to build a beautiful community. The Center benefits so many and all levels of students are welcome.

Locals can even rent the facility for classes and events. Patrons can purchase monthly memberships or pay for a drop-in class or buy the most popular pass which is a 25-class pass for $250. If you are looking for gentle and restorative yoga, the Center has it. They offer Flow and Kundalini Yoga classes too.

To check out their schedule and learn about specific teachers, go to their website at: https://ashlandyogacenter.com/calendar/.

Class Schedules For All Yoga Studios | Ashland Yoga Center
Class schedules for Ashland Yoga Center are listed.

Ashland Yoga Center
303 4th St.
Ashland, OR 97520


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