ODFW Recreation Report
October 17th, 2019
Artwork and wine benefit Oregon’s fish and wildlife
ODFW’s annual fish and wildlife art show is Saturday, Nov. 2, 1 – 4 p.m. at Duck Pond Cellars, 23145 Hwy 99W, Dundee where the winery will release its new Conservation Cuvee Pinot noir. More details.
Hunting seasons are in full swing
And the recent cold, wet weather should improve many hunts.
- General season coast buck is open and Cascade buck reopens this Saturday. The cool, wet weather should have bucks moving around more.
- Cold and wet are preferred conditions for duck hunting, which is open statewide.
- Goose hunters also can plan to spend a day in the field this weekend.
- Upland bird seasons – pheasant, quail, forest grouse, chukar and partridge – are open across the state. The number of grouse tails and wings being deposited in westside collection barrels suggests a strong season is underway.
Best bets for a fishing trip
This week’s rain should get salmon moving and trout on the bite.
- This week’s rain should get Chinook that has been holding in the north coast estuaries on the move upriver.
- This week’s forecasted rain should pull Chinook out of the tidewater of the Coos and Coquille and send them on their way upriver.
- Coho season is well underway on the Sandy and Clackamas rivers, and they have begun moving into the North Santiam.
- Several waterbodies in the Willamette and SW zones are being stocked with trout this week.
- Fall can be some of the best trout fishing of the year in the central Oregon lakes and reservoirs. The cooler temperatures have sent most of the crowds home and put trout on the bite as they feed aggressively to prepare for winter.
- Coho and fall Chinook are starting to arrive in the Umatilla in good numbers.
- Steelhead are starting to move into the John Day River.