Support Local Medford Small Business- City Police Step Up!

Medford City Manager, Brian Sjothun, recently encouraged city staff to support our local businesses impacted by COVID-19, “the latest executive order doesn’t change the ability for our local restaurants to provide take-out and delivery service. If you can, please support your favorite local businesses (which employ our friends, neighbors, and relatives) weather the storm.”

In support of our community and its businesses, the Medford Police Association purchased $2000- in gift cards from local restaurants who remain open for take-out and delivery services. These gift cards were purchased with funds raised through monthly contributions by Medford Police Department employees to the Medford Police Association. 

The 92 gift cards will be provided to the City of Medford Police Department’s Patrol Division to be distributed by Officers to individuals and families they connect within our community.

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Rogue Valley News, Friday 8/19 – Firefighter Fatality in Josephine County, Another Illegal Grow Bust, Child Porn Arrest in Central Point

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