“I was sitting at my workbench when I asked myself, how can I do more than just be in my community and be a part of my community?” Jeremy Foreman, owner, and jeweler at ArtFX Fine Jewelry recounts. While creating jewelry, he also came up with an idea to benefit Ashland businesses during these tough economic times.

In our opinion, Jeremy has the right idea. He was motivated to act to benefit more than just himself or his store. The idea percolated when he pondered what type of businesses had been hit hardest during the state shutdown.
He knew that Ashland establishments contributed to non-profits and sponsored sports teams that would also be without funds unless he got creative with solutions.
Understanding that his high-ticket items like a $3,000 necklace meant one sale could get him through the day while a business like Posh Organics or Paddington Station did not have the same luxury, he started there. So, he purchased gift certificates to reward customers who spent over $300 at ArtFX. Then, once gone, he would go back to the same business and obtain another certificate; encouraging local economic sustainability.

So far, customers are responding and he has given $500 in gift certificates already. Pelindaba Lavender (https://www.pelindabalavender.com/ashland-or-a/309.htm) and Mix Sweet Shop (https://www.mixashland.com/) are some examples of involved local businesses.
Yet, Jeremy’s reciprocity of “doing good” has gone even further than his gift certificate brainstorm. On his website, are two artfully designed pendants honoring the healthcare workers in Oregon who have been on the front line of compassion, kindness, and care during COVID-19. For each $200 purchase, he will donate $100 to UNICEF USA.
When asked how this idea has been received by the community, he explained that he’s given many away to his doctor and nurse friends, so the outcome is pending. But it is not too late to participate in this inspired “pay-it-forward” opportunity. Check out both pendant designs here:

ArtFX (https://www.artfxjewelry.com/) and its employees have been a part of the Ashland community for seventeen years and Rogue Valley Magazine honors Dane Cluff, Jesse Troutman, and Jeremy Foreman as a Rogue Valley business with a heart willing to lend a hand. We encourage you to support them and shop local.
Jeremy concludes, “I hope that from this I can continue to help support our communities! Many of the other businesses are doing what they can to help too.”
45 E. Main St.
Ashland, Oregon
Hours: Monday – Saturday 10:00AM to 6:00PM