So you don’t want to pay for a gym membership because stopping after work to exercise is not going to happen. And going to the gym before work is never happening. But, the weather is turning cooler and those long hikes in the woods or even walks in the park are less likely at this time of year. If you had an exercise bike or treadmill at home and some free weights, there would be no more excuses to not stay in shape, right? Tell that to hundreds of people who currently use their upright bikes and ellipticals as coat racks or for the “in-between” clothes. You know the ones that aren’t freshly-cleaned but also not dirty enough to go into the laundry basket either.

The issue with buying at-home exercise equipment is that you need to buy quality pieces and have knowledgeable staff to guide you through proper selection and set-up. As a former personal trainer and fitness instructor, I can tell you that many folks underestimate the “power’ of a recumbent bicycle seat that causes your rear end to go to sleep. Once it happens, you have another reason not to get on it and the buyer’s remorse sets in from not using it. Or what about the elliptical machine that wobbles from side to side because the frame is not sturdy enough for yours. Did you know that exercise bands and treadmills cause the most equipment mishaps and injuries? Bands break and people face plants on treadmills a lot and sometimes even worse things happen ( The safety features on exercise equipment are critical.
Exercise Equipment of Oregon is a family-owned business right here in the Rogue Valley that carries cardio and strength equipment created by some of the best name brands in the business like TRUE and Nautilus or Schwinn and NuStep. For those who have had multiple knee replacements or chronic pain, the NuStep is an amazing tool to get them on the road back to great health. Whether you need a whole strength training system or just the free weights, quality matters and that is what you will get at Exercise Equipment of Oregon. They also have all the accessories that make the machines and weights efficient and easy to use. Everything from scales to keep track of your weight, Kettlebells to swing, and ice packs to chill down a specific area.

Exercise Equipment of Oregon offers commercial and at-home products and staff members are available by phone during business hours for your convenience. You can also check out their showroom (highly-recommended) located in Central Point. The staff members can answer all of your questions about what surfaces does exercise equipment has to be placed on, how heavy a strength system is, and how far should you be able to bend your knee on a recumbent exercise bike. They know that purchasing equipment is just the first step. Making sure the equipment is installed well and then maintained is where many people need assistance. For more information, check out their website at .
- 6770 Cypress Drive
- Central Point, OR 97502
- 541-855-5313