Feeling Boxed In? A Delicious Way Out with the Hungry Hustle Walking Food Tour

Want a delicious way to social distance? Here is one: the Hungry Hustle Walking Food Tour in Southern Oregon is offering a Coffee & Nosh box filled with goodies from local businesses. And it is delivered FREE to your doorstep!

When you purchase The Coffee and sweet Nosh box ($42.50) you are supporting 6 small local businesses and $1.00 from every box purchased goes to Food and Friends (Meals on wheels) The Hungry Hustle matches the donation!

The Hungry Hustle began in 2019 and is the first of its kind in Southern Oregon with three tours in Medford and Grants Pass including a vegan option. The owner, Melynda Cordes, is a woman on a mission to dish out the delish in the areas she loves. With tours limited due to COVID, she is helping people enjoy the yummies right where they are.

Melynda has lived in Medford, Oregon for 19 years. She speaks passionately about what Oregon has to offer: “I have watched my city grow and change … We live in a beautiful area that has many local resources, chefs realize this and do pop up events and tastings, open restaurants and of course start a new food truck. We have two food truck pods now and they are springing up all over. The culture and diversity is absolutely welcome. I predict a food destination for sure.”

In addition to capitalizing on a love of good food and hard-working restaurant folk, Melynda believes in honoring the community that she lives and works in on a regular basis. The Hungry Hustle offers giveaways like gift certificates for families, supports local artists and small businesses, and voices her philosophy of inclusion everywhere she goes. Food and people from all backgrounds are celebrated.

To order a box or two, visit the Hungry Hustle Facebook page or their website for more information. Since the box is delivered with fresh products, you will need to order by Wednesday for a Friday or Saturday delivery.

Have questions? Give them a call at: 541-951-4579.

And … there is talk of a Fiery Bundle box too!

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