Tag : Be Prepared

Family Oregon News Rogue Valley Local News

Budget Friendly Emergency Preparedness: Simple Steps To Stay Safe

Renee Shaw
In a world full of uncertainties, being prepared for emergencies is crucial. However, many people think getting ready for potential emergencies requires a lot of...
Home & Garden Rogue Valley Local News

Tips to Help Your Home Survive a Wildfire

Renee Shaw
Every year, devastating wildfires burn across the United States. At the same time, a growing number of people are living where wildfires are a real risk. While...
News Today Oregon News

Exploring the Oregon Coast This Spring Break? Tsunami Awareness Week is March 24 to 30: Be Prepared!

Renee Shaw
Exploring the Oregon coast this spring break? Take time to plan for an earthquake and tsunami before your adventure.      March marks the anniversaries...
Oregon News

September is National Preparedness Month: Reminding Oregonians to be Informed and Prepared for Emergencies and Disasters

Renee Shaw
Oregonians are experiencing more frequent wildfires, floods, heat domes, high winds, and ice and snowstorms on an annual basis. These events, fueled by climate change...
Oregon News

Prepare for Worsening Extreme Weather During National Preparedness Month

Renee Shaw
— During National Preparedness Month in September, the Red Cross urges everyone to prepare for worsening extreme weather affecting the Cascades Region, which saw an...