Roll Out The Barrel Events Rule January!

The “Beer Barrel Polka” or “Roll Out the Barrel” became a hit during World War II.

It was written in 1927 and then lyrics were added later in 1934. But this is not the type of barrels that we are referring to in the information below. Instead, we are talking about barrels that contain items like pickles, mead, beer, and whiskey.

Not sure how it happened, but there are two foodie barrel festivals happening on the same weekend here in Southern Oregon! One is here for the very first time! These events are sure to get you salivating and ready for some new or deliciously familiar flavors in your life.

The Brine, Brew & Barrel Festival – January 24 through 26th

Fermenting never sounded so good. As an ancient form of food processing, we get many of our greatest treasures as a result of its processes. Who does not love bread and beer (and immunizations and pasteurization?) Now, is your chance to try all fermented food and beverages at the Inn at the Commons all weekend long. You can relish in the multi-cultural culinary traditions of producing Kombucha, cider, sourdough, krauts and so much more.

This festival’s website states, “Join us on an epic culinary journey of discovery of new and familiar flavors! Enjoy all-day vendors exposition, workshops and demonstrations and activities for the whole family.

Festival will include stand-alone events such as “BrewBash” Beer, Cider and Kombucha event on Friday night, as well the Hot Sauce & Bloody Mary Brunch Buffet on Sunday.”

Tickets are $15 for adults while children 12 and under are FREE!
Inn at the Commons
200 N. Riverside Drive
Medford, OR

Bacon & Barrels Festival – January 24 and 25th

If you are a bacon-lover then you will want to check out the inaugural Bacon & Barrels Festival taking place at the Jackson County Expo in partnership with Uphill One Concessions. Of course, along with the bacon, you can sample distilled spirits, attend a whiskey lecture and be entertained by live music. Here is the breakdown by day as to what is happening.

Friday Evening: Bartenders from around the valley compete to create the most barrel-rolling drinks possible that will be taste-tested by a panel of judges who will then select the “one” winner. You will be able to sample up to five drink selections from the Expo and up to five samples from each of the other four distilled spirit distributors on site.

Saturday Day: A full bacon-themed Bloody Mary bar. You and your guests can sample up to five drink selections from the Expo and up to five samples from each of the other four distilled spirit distributors on site

Saturday Evening: “For the Love of Bacon” bring your other half and enjoy the evening. You and yours will be able to sample up to five drink selections from the Expo and up to five samples from each of the four distilled spirit distributors.

If you are interested in competing in the competition, then check out the qualifying information here:

The Expo
1 Peninger Road
Central Point, Oregon 97502
Phone: 541-774-8270

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